I was having "Tag" Nightmares!
Before I couldn't find the bed...no joke!
Parker is into this new thing where he pulls out EVERY toy in his room and EVERY peice of clothing he has and spreads it around his room....not fun!
You can actually see the shelves now...oh parker!
Stacey I hope you are proud....
I even did Bobbys side!
After being "tagged" the other day I had cleaning nightmares! Seriously, My house was a disaster! Having to take pictures without cleaning up caught me off guard. The solution...organize the entire house!!! Crazy...I know, but I did it! I organized Parkers Room, my closet (big job), my room, my bathroom, the guest bathroom, the kitchen, the hallway closet and the living room! Here are some pictures to prove it. I should have taken before and after pictures!
Oh, yesterday for family night we went to Barnes and Noble. I got sTORI Telling by Tori Spelling (Love Love her) Anywho, my sister read her book and told me that Tori and I were alot alike. Bobby had said that to me before (We watch there reality show) but after reading her book, it is kinda creepy how much alike we are. (oh i finished the book today around 3pm) On to the next book...
Back to my organization skills....